XParam - General-Purpose Object Serialization Framework for C++

The XParam Library User's Guide


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XParam was initially developed as a simple object-oriented tool for parsing command-line parameters. However, it evolved into a general-purpose tool for passing objects between applications. It has also been used as a plug-in framework for several applications. The name "XParam" is an abbreviation for "Transfer of Parameters".

In this section, we do not attempt to teach you how to use XParam's capabilities. This is left to the three interface-describing sections. The purpose of this section is to give you an idea of what XParam can do, and how it can help you in every program you write.

If you want to pass parameters that are of type int, std::string or other equally basic C++ types, XParam will give you, out-of-the-box, a very convenient syntax:

~/bin>a.out name=Mary age=17 height=1.6

Despite the fact that quotation marks around Mary and other type descriptors are missing, this syntax is strictly typed: nothing other than an integer, or something that can be converted to an integer, can be passed as the age parameter, for example, because it was defined as an integer in the a.out program.

XParam's strength over other parameter-handling packages, however, lies in its extensibility. As an example, suppose you have, in your program, an abstract class, "Shape", with "Circle", "Arc" and "Composite" as concrete classes derived from it, where "Circle" is a circle object, "Arc" is an arc object and "Composite" is a shape composed of other shapes, such as Circle and Arc. Suppose further that you have a "Point" class, which may also be a drived class from shape, such that "Circle" has a constructor describing the circle by its center point and its radius and "Arc" has a constructor describing the arc by three points along it. A "Composite" object can be constructed from the vector of "Shape*" objects that compose it.

All these objects may have been written without taking into account that they will be used in XParam. In fact, they may be from a third-party library that you want to use. XParam can be used to input these classes from the user, as well as pass them between applications. For the user of your program, who wants to input a Composite object to a drawing program, usage of XParam may look like this:

~/bin>a.out 'my_shape=[ Circle(Point(50,50),50), Circle(Point(25,75),10), Circle(Point(75,75),10), Arc(Point(25,50), Point(50,25), Point(75,50)) ]'

Here, the user described a smiling face. She did this by describing three "Circle" objects and one "Arc" object, just as she would have done in a constructor call inside a C++ program. These objects were placed inside brackets and separated by commas to indicate the construction of an std::vector<Shape*>. (XParam can deduce the vector type by its elements and by its usage. In cases of ambiguity, explicit construction of the vector is also possible.) This vector of shapes is then used to construct a "Composite" object. The resulting "Composite" object can then be assigned to "my_shape" and later used in the program. "my_shape" in this example can be a "Composite" object, a "Composite*" object, or a "Shape*" object. However, for the rest of the example, we will assume that it is a "Composite".

Inside your program, in order to allow the user to input his Composite in this manner, all you need to write is the following:

#include <xparam.h> // The XParam library
#include "shapes.h" // This is where your shape classes are defined
using namespace xParam;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Composite my_shape;
  ParamSet ps; // define a parameter set
  ps << iParamVar(my_shape,"my_shape"); // define variables in the set
  ps.input(argc,argv); // parse the command line into the set
  my_shape.draw(); // my_shape is already initialized and ready to use
  return 0;

So far, this may seem like magic. In fact, because C++ has no introspection capability, XParam really does need a little bit more information in order to work. What it needs is a description of the relevant parts of the classes you want XParam to be able to work with. This is called the "registration code". Here is what your registration code for the previous example should look like:

#include <xparam_extend.h>
#include "shapes.h"
using namespace xParam;





    param_ctor<Arc>(ConstRef<Point>("start"),ConstRef<Point>("middle"), ConstRef<Point>("finish"));

    param_ctor<Composite>(ConstRef<std::vector<Shape*> >("shapelist"));


Though this may seem like some scripting language, it's actually C++ code that should be linked in with the rest of your project. Moreover, this registration process can be done by a third party, it needs no knowledge of your program, and is virtually non-intrusive to the registered objects. (All XParam requires is that concrete types have copy constructors.)

That's all there is to it. The code presented here is all you need to write in order to give your shape library a convenient user-interface.

As you can see, usage of the XParam library can be separated into three parts, and the next three chapters of this user's guide are divided accordingly. The first part deals with the interface that XParam provides for the user of your programs. This can be found in the User Interface section. Next comes the interface provided for the programmer. This is described in the Programmer Interface section. Finally, we deal with the registration process and the interface provided for it. This is the Registration Interface section.

The rest of this user's guide is devoted to installation instructions, examples of XParam's usage, a FAQ page, an appendix describing XParam's exact conversion rules and a list of credits for contributions to XParam.

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