XParam - General-Purpose Object Serialization Framework for C++

The XParam Library User's Guide

The User Interface

Next: The Programmer Interface
Previous: Introduction
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  1. General
  2. Parameter Sets
  3. Getting Help
  4. Input Modes
  6. Redirection
  7. Basic Parameter Values
  8. Complex Parameter Values
  9. Constants
  10. Flags
  11. Relaxed Type Matching
  12. Vectors, Lists, Sets and Globs
  13. Maps
  14. Pointer Syntax
  15. Conversions


In general, the user interface provided by XParam tries to look and feel as much like object construction inside a C++ program as possible. Some features have been added, to make XParam more convenient for its particular usage, but as a general guideline it would be fair to assume that if something is a legal object construction sequence in C++, it would also be recognizeable by XParam.

Parameter Sets

The most straight-forward usage of XParam is to read a parameter set from the command line. It looks something like this:

~/bin>a.out name=Mary age=17 height=1.6

A parameter set is list of parameters, each of the form parameter_name = parameter_value. In this example, we assigned a value to three parameters: parameter "name" was assigned the value "Mary", parameter "age" was assigned the value "17", and parameter "height" was assigned the value "1.6". XParam is not sensitive to the order in which the parameters are assigned, so it would have been equivalent to write "age=17 name=Mary height=1.6".

The parameter set is also insensitive to white space, if it is not inside a parameter name or a parameter value. So "name=Mary" is equivalent to "name = Mary", but not to "na me=Mary" or to "name=Ma ry". In the sections dealing with parameter values, we will go over special cases in which spacing and tabulation are allowed inside a parameter value.

Parameter sets do not have to be read only from the command line. A Parameter set may appear in a file, or may originate from any input stream. If this is the case, line breaks are also permitted where spacing and tabulation are permitted, with the exception noted in Complex Parameter Values.

You can add one semicolon to indicate the end of a parameter set, but this is not required. It is particularly useful if you're reading the parameter set from a stream. In this case, the semicolon will terminate the reading of the parameter set, even if the end of the stream has not been reached. Use this option if you want to read several parameter sets consecutively from a stream.

All information in a parameter set is case sensitive.

Getting Help

Possibly the first thing you'll want to do when encountering a program is to find out what input it expects. You can do this, in XParam, by executing the program with one of the following as its single argument: "!", "/h", "/H", "/?", "/help", "-?" or "--help". This will result in a table similar to the following being printed:

This program determines whether the applicant will get the job.

Usage: progname <param1>=<val1> <param2>=<val2> -<flag1> -no_<flag2>...
Use any unambiguous prefix of the parameter names
In case of multiple assignment to the same parameter, the last holds.

Name       Type   I/O Default Value Description
====       ====   === ============= ===========
name       string  I  [ required ]  Applicant's name
age        int     I  [ required ]  Applicant's age
height     double  I  [ required ]  Applicant's height in meters
experience int     I  0             Years of experience the applicant has
result     bool    O                Did the applicant get the job?

This table indicates that there are five parameters in this set, only four of which are input parameters. The program expects you to enter a "name" parameter, an "age" parameter and a "height" parameter, for these are all required values. If you do not enter these, XParam will inform the program that certain parameters are missing, and most likely the program will print an error and abort. On the other hand, the fourth input parameter, "experience", will default to zero unless otherwise stated.

The fifth parameter, "result", is an output parameter. In XParam, one can define parameters to be output only, indicated by "O", as is "result", or to be used in both input and output, indicated by "I/O". The customary way of using XParam will lead all the output and input/output parameters to be printed out to the standard output at the end of the program's run in the same format as the input, so that programs using XParam parameter handling can be piped into each other. The programmer, however, may circumvent this at will. A more detailed discussion of this appears in the ParamSet section of The Programmer Interface.

As can be seen, the parameters are all strictly typed. Entering "17.5" as Mary's age would have resulted in a conversion. Using "medium" as her height would have resulted in an error. All user-errors detected by XParam are handled by throwing the relevant exceptions to the main program. The program can then handle the error as the programmer sees fit. For the purpose of this document, we will assume that the programmer chose to report the error and halt, which is the most simple and common thing to do.

In the section Complex Parameter Values, a second method for getting help in XParam is discussed.

Input Modes

You may have noted the two lines above the table of parameters:

Use any unambiguous prefix of the parameter names
In case of multiple assignment to the same parameter, the last holds.

These lines inform you of the input mode the programmer has chosen for this program. XParam can recognize parameters by any unique prefix of their names, or it may require you to enter the full name of the parameter.

XParam can also handle multiple assignments to the same parameter in several different ways, which are chosen by the programmer. XParam's default mode is that the last assignment holds. However, the programmer can change this so that the first assignment will hold, or so that multiple assignments to the same parameter are considered an error.

When you execute the program with "--help" or an equivalent option, XParam tells you what its current mode of operation is, so that you know how to enter your data correctly.

Note: In prefix mode, if two of your parameters have names that are prefixes of each other, this does not cause ambiguities. XParam will always opt for the shortest match. So, if "munch" and "munchkin" are both names of parameters the program, the input "mu" will only match "munch", whereas "munchk" will only match "munchkin".


If your parameter set is not on the command line, you can add comments to it. The character "#" signifies the start of a comment, whether it appears in the middle of a line or in the beginning. The comment continues until the end of the line, and stops there. So, you can have an input file that looks like this:

#File: marydata.txt
#This is the applicant that seems most likely to get the job.
age=17 # Her only problem is that she's a little young for the job.

Comments are allowed in almost any place where spacing and tabulation are permitted.


If you want to input many parameters, or if your parameter values are very long and complex, you probably don't want to keep them on the command-line. It would be more convenient for you to keep them in a file, where you can edit them and re-use them at will. To help you, XParam provides two different redirection features.

The simpler of the two redirection features is parameter-set redirection. Using it, you can read some or all of your parameters from a file. For example, if you write, on the command-line

~/bin>a.out @marydata.txt experience=2

XParam will recognize the "@" redirection symbol, and will first read the "name", "age" and "height" parameters from the file "marydata.txt", before returning to parse the rest of the command-line, and reading "experience" from it. You can redirect to as many files as you want on a single command-line, and these redirections can appear in any order and in any place where a list of parameters is expected.

Nested redirections are also permitted. That is, the file "marydata.txt" may also contain a "@" redirection that will direct some or all of the parameters to be read from a second file, and so on. XParam does not limit the depth of such multiple redirections, but circular redirections are not allowed.

The second form of redirection is to redirect a single parameter value. This form also uses the "@" redirection symbol, and looks like this:

~/bin>a.out name= @namedata.txt age= @agedata.txt height= @heightdata.txt

If you have parameters that have very long and complex values, or if you plan on reusing values, you may find this redirection scheme very useful. This form of redirection can be used in any context where a value is expected.

The file to which you are redirecting, in this case, can include comments, but beside the comments only the value should appear. For example:

#File: agedata.txt
#Mary may be a little too young for this job.

Though XParam is mostly used to read parameter sets, it also allows the programmer to read and write single values. Using this feature, a program can read "agedata.txt" directly. In any case, nested redirections are allowed here, too.

If you want to redirect part of your input to be read from the standard input (for example, if you want to pipe an entire parameter set from one program to another), use "@stdin".

Basic Parameter Values

In general, XParam recognizes the built-in C++ types, as they are recognized inside a C++ program: 7 denotes an integer, '7' - a character, "7" - a string, 7U - an unsigned int, 7L - a long int and 7UL - an unsigned long int, 7.0 - a double, 7.0f - a float. On systems where long double is supported, 7.0L will be considered a long double. If long long is supported, XParam will recognize integer values larger than the capacity of a "long" variable as long long, or as unsigned long long, if they are followed by the letter 'U'. An 'L' following long long and unsigned long long is also allowed. Note that XParam distinguishes between a string and a pointer to a char, and that, unlike in C++, the string "7" will be recognized as an std::string in XParam, and not as a pointer to a char. A more in-depth discussion of this can be found in the Argument Passers section of the Registration Interface.

In strings and in characters, XParam also recognizes the '\n' format for special characters, as well as hexadecimal notation: '\x0D'. Note that if you're using hexadecimal character notation, you must enter exactly two hexadecimal digits: both '\xD' and '\x00D' are mistakes. Integers can be input in decimal (17), hexadecimal (0x11), octal (021) or binary (0b1001). Floating point numbers observe the standard C++ notation, so all the following examples are correct forms of doubles: 17.6, 1.76E1, +01.7600e+01, etc. Using the '\c' notation in conjunction with characters that have no special meaning ('\c', '\d', '\0', etc.) will be interpreted as using the character itself (so this is equivalent to 'c', 'd' and '0', respectively). Naturally '\\' is used to denote a backslash, '\"', when in a string literal, denotes quotation marks and '\'', when in a character literal, denotes an apostrophe.

As in C++, comments, spacing and tabulation are not allowed within any of these literal constants. However, outside literal constants, comments spacing, line breaking and tabulation are allowed in any place within the definition of a parameter value.

Complex Parameter Values

XParam's main strength is in its extendability. You do not have to limit yourself to the built-in C++ types, but can use any class you wish. The way this is done is as follows: every class in C++ can be constructed from simpler classes. The way to do so is described in the classes' constructors. For example, if I have a class "Triangle" which has a constructor accepting three "Point" instances, and class "Point" has a constructor accepting two integer objects, then these describe how a Point can be constructed from two integers, and a Triangle from three Point objects.

XParam takes advantage of this by allowing you to define the value of a parameter of type Triangle in this way: "Triangle(Point(5,7), Point(1,10), Point(3,6) )". This line is handled in much the same way as it would have been handled inside a C++ program. First, all the integer literals are recognized. Second, three Point objects are constructed using the Point-from-two-integers constructor. Last, the desired Triangle is constructed using the Triangle-from-three-Points constructor.

In addition to simple class names, XParam can also recognize class names that are template specializations. For example: "Matrix<const int*>" is a legal class names in XParam. The words "Matrix", "const" and "int", int this example, are considered literals, in the sense that no white space can appear in the middle of them. XParam also disallows the use of white space between the first literal in a class name and the symbol immediately following it (which will be '(' if the literal is the entire name of the class, '<' if it is a template name, and '::' if it is a scope qualifier). This is meant to enable XParam's parser to efficiently distinguish between class names and relaxed string literals. (see the section regarding Relaxed Type Matching for an explanation of relaxed string literals.)

With these exceptions, white space is allowed anywhere inside a parameter value.

Note that this line "Triangle(Point(5,7), Point(1,10), @thirdpoint.txt)" is also allowed. The third point of the triangle is read from the file "thirdpoint.txt". This is simply a parameter value redirection, where the read value is used as part of a more complex value.

In general, XParam only uses object constructors and conversion operators in order to construct objects. However, in a few cases, the programmer of the classes may have neglected to provide suitable or convenient constructors for his classes, for a number of reasons. To circumvent this problem, XParam allows the class registrator to provide other functions, beside class constructors, that create instances of the required type. From a user's point-of-view, these creators are indistinguishable from regular constructors. For this reason, you may find that some "constructors" you use in XParam are not available to you inside C++ programs.

XParam class names, such as Triangle, are usually the same as the names of the C++ classes they represent. However, in some cases, we have opted for abbreviations. The std::vector<T> and the std::string classes, for example, are called vector<T> and string respectively in XParam. This is merely an abbreviation. XParam can handle fully qualified names such as std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, but these are much more cumbersome to use. On the other hand, no XParam class name can include a modifier. Therefore long int, const double, unsigned char, static float and volatile string are all unallowed as XParam class names. In general, volatile and static are considered to be unuseful modifiers in the XParam context, const, which is generally meaningful only in the context of argument passing mode, is handled transparently by XParam, as is discussed in the Pointer Syntax section, and long and unsigned, which are allowed only for the basic types, have been integrated as part of the registered class name: XParam uses long, uchar, ushort, uint and ulong instead of long int, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned int and unsigned long int, respectively. As these types are hardly ever explicitly converted to, one rarely needs to use these names in actual invocations. On systems that support these types, XParam also defines longlong, ulonglong and long_double, which are the C++ types long long, unsigned long long and long double respectively.

If you want to use a certain class, but are not sure what constructors are available for it, use the format

~/bin> a.out ! classname

This will give you full information about the class, in a user-friendly format. Instead of the classname, you can also enter the name of a constant of the class type, with the same effect. Constants are explained in detail in the next section.


In addition to explicitly built parameters, XParam also allows you to use constants in your variable initializations. The registrator can define constants of any XParam-recognized class, as well as any enums. In addition to this, there are several constants which have been pre-defined: "true" and "false" are booleans, "NaN" is that ISO not-a-number of type double (also functioning as a positive and negative infinity), "NaNF" is its equivalent float and "NaNL" is the long double version, if your compiler supports long doubles. Last but not least, "NULL" can match any pointer type.

The syntax for constants is very simple: simply use their name in your definition. For example:

~/bin> my_prog b = false

will assign the value 'false' to 'b', if 'b' is a variable of type boolean.

As all parameter values, constants can be used as constructor parameters to build other classes, and can undergo conversions.


One exception to the parameter_name = parameter_value sequence is the use of flags. XParam allows the syntax


to be used instead of parameter_name=true and


to be used instead of parameter_name=false, if parameter_name is a parameter of type bool. The two notations are completely interchangeable. XParam does not support flags that have names starting with no_. Behavior of XParam if such a flag is used is undefined.

Relaxed Type Matching

Often, it is cumbersome to write name="Mary" instead of name=Mary. This is especially true on the command-line in a Unix environment, because shell parsing would require you to write 'name="Mary"' for the quotation marks not to disappear in the parsing. To alleviate this problem, XParam provides a more relaxed user interface, in which tentative type matching is allowed in the stage of explicit literals.

If we look at the example name=Mary more closely, we can see that Mary can not be parsed as anything other than a string. It's too long to be a character, isn't entirely composed of digits, and doesn't have parentheses which may indicate that this is a complex parameter value. The only remaining option is a string literal constant.

Here's another example: num=7. If num is defined as an integer, then the 7 will also have to be an integer, for if it is treated as a string, instead, there will be no way to convert it to an integer, for it to be assigned into num. This is known as destination driven type matching. Though C++ doesn't support this form of type matching, it is nevertheless an accepted form of strict-typed syntax, and XParam makes full use of it.

It is therefore often possible, only by looking at the context in which literal constants are used, to deduce their type. When this is the case, XParam does not require you to use quotation marks or apostrophes around your string and character literals. XParam considers the literal to be of a "tentative" type until the exact type can be deduced, or, in cases of ambiguity, notifies the program that the type can not be deduced. The program will then most likely choose to report this and halt.

If you wish to explicitly state the type of your literal, you can always do so, by using the full syntax detailed in the Basic Parameter Values section. The relaxed syntax is meant for your convenience, and in no way compromises XParam's type strictness.

Specifically in the case of tentative types that can only be resolved as strings, we have imposed several restrictions on XParam, so that not any arbitrary string of characters will be recognizeable as a string. There are two reasons for these restrictions:

  1. So that strings will not be confusable with the rest of the XParam syntax. For example: "int(7)", if not quoted, can be parsed as a legal integer initialization. We have also added restrictions meant for syntax extensions we mean to add in the future.
  2. So that strings will not be confusable with typing errors. For example, "int(7", if not quoted, is not a legal integer initialization, but is nevertheless more likely to be a typing error than an intentionally typed string.
Generally, the guidelines we used to define what a tentative string can match were designed so that any ordinary file name will be accepted.

However, you should be aware that XParam makes its best efforts to make any input you give it into a legal initialization, and in doing so can actually misinterpret user errors into legal initializations that the user didn't mean. Here's one example: suppose that "duck" has a normal construction from a string and an explicit construction from an integer. This would mean that both "d=some_string" and "d=duck(7)" are legitimate initializations. However, if you, by accident, typed in "d=7", you would probably expect XParam to tell you that this is not a valid initialization. Well, it is and it won't: the "7" can be interpreted as a string, in which case the initialization can be completed as read, and that's exactly what XParam will do.

Vectors, Lists, Sets and Globs

Another tentative type recognized by XParam is the heterogenous value list. This is denoted by a sequence of values separated by commas that is placed within brackets. For example:

[ Point(1,1), Point (1,10), Point(10,10), Point(8,2) ]

A heterogenous value list, or HVL for short, can be the converted into other, more directly accessible types. Out-of-the-box, XParam comes with the ability to convert HVLs to the following class types:

The XParam registrator can add more types which can be constructed from value lists.

The conversion from an HVL to a different type is done by converting all the elements in the list to type T, and using them as the elements of the constructed object. XParam tries to deduce the relevant type T according to the types of the elements in the value-list and by the context in which it is used. If no relevant type is found, or if an ambiguity occurs, an XParam user-error will be thrown. Here's an example of assigning to an std::list.

my_list = [1, 2.3, -4]

If the parameter my_list is an std::list<int> then all the elements will be converted to ints. If it's a std::list<double> then the elements will be converted to doubles. It is also possible to specify the type explicitly:

my_list = list<int>([1, 2.3, -4])

In addition to constructing a vector or list by providing all the elements explicitly, in XParam a vector or list can also be initialized in the usual C++ way, using either default constructor

vector<int>() # an empty vector

or using a constructor with two arguments - the number of elements, and a value which will be used for all the elements:

vector<int>(3,7) # same as [7,7,7]

The std::list can be constructed using its default constructor.

Because brackets are also characters that are used by the shell, XParam provides a relaxed syntax here, too. If your value-list is two or more elements long, the brackets can be omitted, and XParam will be able to tell that this is a value-list by looking at the commas separating the elements. This relaxed syntax is only available on the top-level of an assignment, not in any other context. So, this:

a = [ 1, 2, 3 ]

is equivalent to this:

a = 1, 2, 3

but in the following two examples, no relaxed syntax is allowed:

a=duck([ 1, 2, 3 ]) # value as a constructor argument
[1, 2, 3] # just a value - no assignment

One more syntax for inputting vectors is available in XParam. It is the glob. A glob is an assignment that looks like this:

~/> my_program a = : one two three :

The syntax is composed of an openning colon followed by the items in the vector, with a closing colon at the end. This syntax is only available in the shell, because the separation of the list into objects is not done, as in all other lists, by commas. Instead, items are separated using shell separators. A shell separator is expected after the initial colon, before the closing colon, and between each pair of items in the list.

This syntax is useful, as its name suggests, in globbing scenarios. Consider, for example, the following initialization line:

~/> my_program my_files = : *.c *.o :

If you're in a Unix shell, that parses the wildcards for you, before they are input into the program, then this command-line would initialize the parameter my_files as a vector of all filenames in the current directory ending in either ".c" or ".o".

For convenience, if the closing colon is the last character on the input line, it may be omitted.

Things to note about the globbing syntax:

  1. This syntax only allows the initialization of values whose type is vector<string>, and no other type.
  2. The names in the globbed list are not "tentative literals", as may be expected. Within a glob, XParam is very liberal regarding what it may take for a string. This includes, for example, items containing white-space characters. XParam only uses shell separators, within globs, in order to separate or truncate names. The only restriction this imposes is that no string in the list may start with a colon, or else XParam will confuse it with the colon signifying the end of the glob.


XParam provides the following syntax for conveniently initialzing the C++ types std::map<KEY,VALUE>:

{ key1 => value1, key2 => value2, ... }

Finding the correct types KEY and VALUE is done by methods similar to those used for vectors and lists, and depends on the actual values used in the map, as well as on the context in which the map is used. For example, the following assignment:

my_map = { 3 => 9, 4 => 16, 5 => 25 }

will work if my_map is of type map<int,int> or map<int,double>, or even map<double,string>.

The following assignment will work for map<double,string>, but will produce an XParam error in the case of map<int,int> or map<int,double>:

my_map = { 3 => "9", 4 => abc, 5 => 25 }

Pointer Syntax

Some classes expect pointers to be passed on to them in constructors. In XParam, unlike in C++, you do not need to use special syntax in order to signify the fact that you are passing an object by pointer. Consider the following example:

my_variable = ClassA( ClassB() )

Looking at this syntax, it is impossible to tell, in XParam, whether ClassA's constructor expects a ClassB instance to be passed on to it by value, by constant reference or by pointer. Furthermore, it is impossible to tell whether my_variable, inside the C++ program, is a class instance or a class pointer. This leads to a very simple and straight-forward syntax for the XParam user. The drawback is that if a class has two constructors, one from a ClassB constant reference and the other from a pointer to ClassB, they can not both be registered as is. In the section dealing with registration interface we will return to this problem and show workarounds, but this problem is highly esoteric and hardly ever encountered.

Note that because my_variable in the example can be of type ClassA* just as well as it can be a ClassA instance, XParam allows the same syntax to be used to enable polymorphism. Consider the fact that my_variable can just as well be a pointer to a base class, from which ClassA is derived. XParam allows this use, and even enables my_variable to be a pointer to an abstract class. Consider this example:


In this example, the user initializes a variable of type "Window", which will be in charge of a window on the graphic screen. The first two parameters indicate two corners of this window, establishing its position. The last, optional, parameter indicates which shape will be drawn inside this window initially. This parameter is of type Shape*, which is a pointer to an abstract class. The user, however, wrote Circle(...), which XParam takes to be a pointer to a Circle, which will be used polymorphically as a Shape* object.

One particularly interesting use for this polymorphism is strategy management. For example, supposing my program displays URLs. It receives parameter "url" which will denote which URL to display. Variable "url" will be of type "URL*", where "URL" is an abstract class. The information of which protocol to use becomes part of the class information: url=HTTP("sourceforge.net") may be very different than url=FTP("sourceforge.net").

In the registration section, we will go over how to dynamically link classes HTTP and FTP on the fly, when necessary, but for the user of XParam, when dynamically loading class libraries becomes necessary, it is performed automatically and unobtrusively. The user need not even know which of the classes she uses is statically linked and which dynamically.


Throughout the discussion, we have often mentioned conversions. XParam allows conversions, both implicit and explicit, adhering to rules similar to those used by C++. XParam will always try to find the best possible conversion path, but can encounter situations in which no possible conversion path is found or more than one equally good conversion path can be considered the best. If such a case is encountered, an XParam user-error will be thrown.

For example: my_double=7 will cause the 7, an integer, to be cast into a double, with the value 7.0, which will then be assigned to the variable my_double of type double. This calls for a conversion between two built-in C++ types.

Another example would be my_swan=ugly_duckling(). Here, a value of type ugly_duckling is assigned into a variable of type swan. For this to succeed, XParam must find a way to convert an ugly_duckling into a swan. This is a user-defined conversion. As in C++, user-defined conversions receive a lower priority than conversions between built-in types.

The previous two examples were rather straight-forward. However, conversion sequences can be arbitrarily complex. Consider, for example, the execution line mentioned in the introduction:

~/bin>a.out 'my_shape=[ Circle(Point(50,50),50), Circle(Point(25,75),10), Circle(Point(75,75),10), Arc(Point(25,50), Point(50,25), Point(75,50)) ]'

In the introduction, "my_shape" was considered to be a "Composite" object, but it can just as well be a pointer to a "Shape" object. Here's how this works:

First, a list containing three circles and one arc is created. The construction of these involves no casting whatsoever, implicit or explicit, but, conceivably, "Point"'s constructor could have expected two doubles, instead of two integers, in which case XParam would have silently and implicitly converted the integers to doubles. Next, the list of two circles and one arc is converted to an std::vector<Shape*> type. Note that for this to happen, the circles and the arc had to be implicitly considered to be pointers, instead of class instances, and had to then be upcast to their abstract base class Shape, so as to become "Shape*" objects. Once this is done, the std::vector<Shape*> is taken to be the single argument in the constructor of a "Composite" object - this is a user-defined conversion constructor. And finally, the "Composite" object is considered to be a pointer object, too, and upcast to its abstract base class, "Shape", becoming a polymorphic "Shape*" object, which can now be assigned to the relevant C++ variable.

All the necessary conversions along the path are silently and implicitly handled by XParam, with no manual involvement necessary.

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