/* Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003 Ronnie Maor and Michael Brand */ /* This program looks for input of the type simple num=15 name=Mary where "Mary" is your name and "15" is the number you're guessing. It compares between the number you guessed and the number written in the file my_number.txt, and tells you whether you guessed too high or too low. */ #pragma warning (disable: 4786) #include #include #include #include using namespace xParam; using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { xparam_init(); ParamSet ps; int num,my_number; string name; try { ps << "This program asks you to guess an integer between 1-20" << "and checks whether it is larger or smaller than the" << "integer in file my_number.txt" << iParamVar(num, "num ! The number you've guessed") << iParamVar(name, "name ! Your name",Val("John Doe")) << oParamVar(my_number,"my_number ! This is the number in my_number.txt"); ps.input(argc,argv); ifstream ifs("my_number.txt"); if (!ifs) { cerr << "File 'my_number.txt' not found." << endl; cerr << "File is expected to be in the current working directory."; cerr << endl; return 0; } ifs >> Var(my_number); if (my_numbernum) { cout << name << ", the number you guessed was too small." << endl; } else { cout << "Congratulations " << name << "! That was my number." << endl; } cout << ps; } catch (Error e) { cerr << "Got following error - " << endl << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }